OZTERMAL provides auxiliary equipment for water treatment, conditioning and purification purposes.
Domestic and Residential Systems are for houses, villas and small buildings in water stressed regions for clients who have limited access to clean water sources or concerns with the water quality.

Fresh, natural flavors
Savor flavors as they were meant to be enjoyed with the natural taste of conditioned water. Beverage, food, soups, ice cubes and drinking water all taste fresher.
Fast, easy cleaning
No more bathtub rings, stained drains, dingy tiles, or encrusted chrome. Everything in your bath and kitchen cleans easier and stays cleaner longer with pure water.
Greater efficiency and economy
Conditioned water prevents the build-up of rock-like scale in pipes, water heaters, clothes washers, and dishwashers. It prevents scale build-up in pipes, increases plumbing and appliance efficiencies, and cuts repair and water heating costs.
Soft, bright clothes
Laundry comes out cleaner in conditioned water. Fabrics look brighter, feel softer, and smell fresher. Detergents work better and your clothes last longer.
Less soaps and cleaners
Since it enhances the effectiveness of cleaning agents, conditioned water helps you save on detergents, cleaners, soaps, shampoos, and conditioners.
Naturally smooth skin; shiny, silky hair
Bathing with conditioned water is a pleasure. Skin rinses completely clean, and stays soft and smooth. Shaving cream lubricates better for a closer shave.
Greater efficiency and economy
Conditioned water prevents the build-up of rock-like scale in pipes, water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers. It prevents scale build-up in pipes, increases plumbing and appliance efficiencies, and cuts repair and water heating costs.
Reduces contaminants
Elements commonly found in your water supply such as iron and chlorine are significantly reduced with softened water. This provides safer, healthier water for your entire family's consumption, as well as household pets and plants.
Soft water
Conditioned water gives hair a naturally clean and lively sheen, and leaves it soft, silky, and easy to groom

Residential FRP Molded tanks (6x13–16x65)
Commercial & Industrial FRP Molded tanks (14x65 – 36x72)
Fiberglass/Polyethylene tanks (12”- 63“)
Composite tanks(12”- 63“) and Retention tanks (12”- 63“)
RO (Reverse Osmosis) storage tanks
Brine and chemical storage tanks
Steel/Stainless Steel tanks and water storage tanks

Chemical Feed Pumps
Single Head-Fixed Output: It is is built with two detachable components; the motor and the pump head
Double Head-Fixed Output: It is is built with three detachable components; the motor and two pump heads.
Single Head-Adjustable Output: It is is built with three detachable components; the motor, feed rate control, and the pump head.
Double Head-Adjustable Output: It is built with four detachable components; the motor, feed rate control, and two pump heads.
Dual Head Dual Control Output: It is built with five detachable components; the motor, two feed rate controls, and two pump heads.

Auxiliary Components
Air injectors and valves
Ro Housings and lock systems
Liquid Control and Measuring Instruments
Media Filter Components
Chemical and static mixers
Chlorine Dosage Pumps
Water disinfection unit by chlorine dosing by a special injector
For removal of pathogenic substances in the water
Equipped with storage tank that can be refilled

Control Valves
Fleck residential, commercial and industrial water softener and filtration v.
Readysoft- 3/4" Twin Alternating or Parallel Softener Control Valves
Autotrol residential 255 series water softener and filtration valves
Autotrol commercial 263, 268 series water softener and filtration valves
Magnum CV 942 series timer or clock controlled, Magnum CV 962 series demand water softener and filtration valves.
Diameter:1 ½” , 2”
Flow rate cap.: 75-98 GPM
Autotrol deionizer valves are simple, economic but high efficiency control valves. These control valves:
have advanced electronic system and can easily be programmed
for deionization of water for pharmacy, farming, food processing and other commercial and industrial applications
7800 series (flow rate is 10 –15 GPM) and capacity of deionizing water of 100.000-500.000 CaCo3 grains
7700 series (flow rate is 10 –5 GPM ) and capacity of deionizing water of 20.000-70.000 CaCo3 grains
730 series (flow rate is 2-12 GPM) and capacity of deionizing water of 8.200-18.200 CaCo3 grains

RO Booster & Delivery Pumps
It increases water pressure going into the RO unit
Most city water reverse osmosis users have enough city water pressure to run their RO unit nicely and they do not need a booster pump.
For example, if your city water pressure is 60 psi or more, there is little to be gained by adding a booster pump.
If your pressure is 50 psi or less, however, a pressure boost pump will give your RO unit more zip.
You'll have more water, at a higher pressure, in the storage tank, and the tank will fill faster.
The increased pressure will also improve the economy of the unit (it will run less reject water to drain) as well as the quality of the water. RO units thrive on pressure.

Spares and Components
RO Membranes
Swimming Pool Chemicals
Acid dosage pumps
Test kits
Resin, Filter Media and other Water Treatment Mat.
Filter Cartridges

Peristaltic Pumps
It is a positive displacement pump used for pumping fluids.
They are used mainly to inject chemical treatment agents into pressurized water lines.
They are commonly used to inject chlorine, soda ash, polyphosphates, and hydrogen peroxide.
The usual installation on residential wells is before the well's pressure tank

Chemicals and Reagents

Tablet Salt
Filter Media

Tablet salt is used in softeners in regeneration phase.
High quality, refined, washed & dried in furnace
Ready to deliver in 25 kg packs
Filter Media is used in media filters
High quality
Read to deliver in different package sizes
Worldwide Brands and their Products

Compact sizing, ready to install package
High quality, easy installation and maintenance
Taste/odor improvement: Activated Carbon.
General Chemical Reduction, including chlorine or chloramines: Activated Carbon, including specialty carbons designed especially for enhanced chloramine reduction.
Lead and Heavy Metal Reduction: Activated carbon with metals removal resin added, or KDF/Activated carbon combination.
Arsenic Reduction: Activated Alumina or Arsenic reduction cartridge with iron oxide or anion resin.
Fluoride Reduction: Activated Alumina.
Nitrate Reduction: Special Anion resin cartridge, nitrate selective.
Hardness Reduction: Cation resin cartridge.
Sediment Reduction: Wound string, pleated polypropylene, or spun polypropylene cartridge. A variety of micron sizes are available.
Cyst (Giardia/Cryptosporidium) Reduction: A tight (one micron absolute or tighter) sediment filter, a ceramic filter, or a carbon block filter with cyst removal certification.
Bacteria Reduction: Ceramic cartridge.
pH Increase: Calcite cartridge.
Mineral Reduction: Deinonizing cartridge.
Hydrogen Sulfide Odor Reduction: Activated Carbon or Carbon/KDF

Pentair Water Solutions
Fleck and Clack Control Valves
Wave Cyber and Structural Tanks
Dow Resins
Delta Magnetic Water Treatment Units
Atlas Filters
Osmonics RO Membranes
Filmtec Membranes
Seko Dosage Pumps
Lightech UV Lamps
Scalewatcher Descalers
Magnetic Descaler or Scale Remover

Undersink Water Treatment Devices