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Why water generated by AWGs?
The generated water by AWGs is a pure drinking water that has the highest quality, sustainability and purity with low mineralisation, free from biological and environmental contamination found in groundwater, seawater, air or recycled water.
The generated water by AWGs complies with World Health Organisation (WHO) standards for drinking water.
The generated water by AWGs are certified by EU European Health Authorities.
Why Atmospheric Water Generators?
Why Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs)?
Contaminated Water Sources: Most rivers, lakes, underground & surface water in the world are polluted which includes large amount of toxins & bacterias.
Diseases from Contaminated Water: Typhoid fever, Diarrhea, Cholera, etc. are some of the diseases caused by contaminated water make people die.
Water Shortage: Many of the regions in the world have shortage of water which will be increased due to the global warming.
Water Drought:Many regions in the world are water stressed regions in which the water is not available.
Poor Water Supply Networks: Most of the cities in the world have poor, outdated and insufficient power supply networks which are not maintenanced properly.
Watercuts by the Municipality: In summer time, watercuts by the municipality affect you negatively.
High Water Bills: Water Costs by the municipality and bottled water are increasing day by day!

Facts About Water​

Earth-Atmosphere-Water Cycle-AWGs:
Water cycle describes the continuous movement of the water on, above and below the surface of the Earth which is also the source of the fresh water.
However, due to factors, such as, increase in population, reduced rainfall and high temperatures, there has been a decline in the freshwater resources causing a significant threat to human & animal life; and global business .
The decline of water have reduced the global average per capita of water from renewable resources approximately 20%.
The freshwater resources have been polluted by mostly humans, industrial enterprises and underdeveloped or missing infrastructure at the villages, towns, cities, etc.
However, the most abundant source of fresh water is Earth's Atmosphere. The atmosphere contains 37.5 million billion gallons of water from which we can generate pure water for drinking or process purposes.
AWG is the perfect solution for generating water from the humidity of the atmosphere.
What happens if you have an Atmospheric Water Generator (AWGs) and you generate your own, %100 healthy and pure water with you AWG?
Generated water is a %100 pure water which is purified by a multi-step process with no pesticides, hormones, chemicals, groundwater heavy metals, no smog particles, no bacteria, parasites or organisms & no taste.
Use of airwater or waste steam for water reduces dependence on scarce groundwater and other water resources; and your water footprint which means:
No more usage of contaminated water and having diseases from contaminated water
No more water shortage, cuts & droughts
No more need for water supply from the network
No more watercuts by the municipality
No more water bills
Nore more need for water trucks which is expensive, need to manage logistics and lack of supply reliability
No more need for bottled water which is expensive, and generates PET waste
No more to treat underground water which has bad taste, potential to be contamminated and costly to treat to drink
No more need for desalination plants which are costly to operate
No deposit of toxic brine waste or salty residues
No extraction of heavy metals from polluted soil
No appearance of pesticides, hormones or chemicals from recycled water
No more negative impacts of desalination units (salt and brine depositis, destruction of fishing waters, challenging regulatory permits, high cost of distribution of water)
Water source immediately replenished naturally
Reduced need for infrastructure investment and power consumption
Just plug it to the existing power supply (electricity from grid, PV Solar Power Pack, Wind Power Packs, Trigeneration, Cogeneration, etc.)
Thermal energy (Waste Stema outlets) could be used as energy source for water generation.
You will know exactly the volume of water that will be generated by AWGs since the system is based on your requirements in terms of water consumption and the geographical data of the location where you are!
You can generate water wherever you need iwhich could have challenges cliamtes with temperatures higher than 50 Degrees Celcius (122 Fahrenheit Celcius) and humidity lower than 20% if you select a portable residential & commercial solution
If you have alternative energy sources, such as PV Solar, Wind Turbine or Power Generation Unit for the power of the residential & commercial solution, you may have the full autonomy from the grid network and no need for water collection, storage and distribution facilities to operate in remote locations, build your labour camp or project camp, factory, logistics warehouse or anyother commercial and industrial application.
Unlike water treatment systems by desalination, it produces no waste to environment and no negative impact to the environment.
You wiill preserve the natural resources on earth.
The direct cost of production is lower than the cost of producing bottled water so the return of investment is shorter than bottling process.
The worldwide relative humidity (RH) is rapidly increasing. For every one degrees celcius increase in global warming results about 7% increase in RH. In recent history, Worldwide RH has increased about 10%. Even though relative humidity is increasing, billions of people suffer the water challenge; Scarcity, droughts, pollution, diseases, etc.Many emerging countries could not develop their commercial and industrial targets due to lack of water. We aim to provide a olution by generating safe drinking water by using relative humidity with no negative effect to the environment. If you are located in one of the water stressed countries that is shown below in the water stress index, AWGs are perfect solutions for you for generation of pure water!
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