We service your system, your system relax you in comfort!
After sales services, field services, spare part supply, maintenance and all other services take care of your water treatment system so that they will work without any problem.
Problem-free boilers in residential, commercial and industrial applications add value to your life, business and community and :
give comfort to people at home or office by continuous heating in winter and hot water supply through out the year.
improve efficiency and decrease the cost of operations in generation of steam, steam water or hot water in their facilities or enterprises.
support local community in winter since they reduce the risk of illness and create a healthy environment.
Do not risk your comfort and costs! Enjoy our industry-leading services!

Turnkey Applications-Boilers and Heat Exchangers
One Supplier, Turnkey Services
We design, produce, install and commission turnkey projects as:
Pressure Break System
Hot Water Supply System
Hot Water Supply System (Shock Heating)
Swimming Pool Heating
District Heating
Central Heating
Floor Heating
Steam Generation
Steam-Water Generation
Site Services
We provide services to boilers and heat exchangers to improve the performance and the product life of the equipment.
Our services include services to natural gas, coal, lignite, biomass and oil fired boilers and any type of heat exchangers in any residential, commercial and industrial application in EMEA Region.
Our services includes maintenance, repairs, re-building, re-tubing, upgrades, part replacements, tube cleaning, shut-down repairs, modification or upgrades, preventative maintenance either under single service or service agreements.
Technical Services
Outage Planning, Offsite Site Maintenance & Repairs
Site Inspection and Performance & Condition Assessment
Commissioning, Process Optimization or Deployment of Systems
Site Training and Instructions, Recommendations for Optimization
Troubleshooting, Root Cause Identification and Failure Mapping
Field tests, Onsite Routine Maintenance of Equipment or Systems
Operational Reviews, Walk-Down Inspections and System Evaluations
Turnkey Field & Permit Services to PV Solar, Steam Plants & Hot Water Plants
Boiler Water Treatment
Objectives of Water Treatment of Boilers
Prevention of scaling in boiler.(scale inhibitors to counter it)
Prevention of corrosion in boiler. (corrosion inhibitors to counter it)
Prevention of stress corrosion cracking and steam contamination.
Three tools can be used to improve water quality:
Internal Treatment: Conditioning the boiler water to predetermined levels by using a variety of chemicals. In this method, liquid chemicals are dosed and handled to boilers up to 30 bar operating pressure. The chemicals:
Prevent scaling and corrosion that increase the system reliability and performance
Neutralize acids in condensate system
Suspends sludge and sediment particles for efficient removal by blow-down
Keep boiler services clean, promoting best heat transfer conditions and saving energy
Provide simple testing to determine treatment level
External Treatment
Electronic descaling: Conditioning of the system to predetermined levels and replacement of the dissolved scales by electronic descaling. The advantage is that these devices do not require any plumbing.
Demineralization / Reverse Osmosis / Electro-dialysis: The replacement of specific inorganic salts by ion exchange.
Deaeration: the removal of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide by heating and atomizing the water with steam.

Neutralization Equipment and Systems for Condensing Boilers
A new equipment for the neutralization of the condensate water that contains condensate acids
Condensate acids could generate corrosion on the economizer and the boilers. Condensate acids could bring serious ecologic problems since these acids could pollute the water resources and environment.
This equipment neutralizes the condensate acid and eliminate the pollution of the condensate acid. This equipment should be used with condensing boilers.
Services for Plate Heat Exchangers and Tube Heat Exchangers
Spare Part Supply of Gaskets & Plate Materials
Plate Materials (Stainless steel AISI 316, Titanium and palladium, Hastelloy ® Alloys, Nickel, Molibden, SMO254)
Gaskets (NBR, HNBR, EPDM, Flourine, Silicone)
Workshop and Field Services
Cleaning of Plates, Refurbishment and Upgrades and Tubes
Replacing Plates with new ones
Replacing Tubes with new ones
Cleaning of Tubes if replacement is not needed
Crack & Leakage Tests