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AWGs for Agriculture & Greenhouses

  • For centuries, water had been used massively at the Agriculture & Greenhouses to grow vegetables, fruits, grains, flowers, trees and other commercial & industrial plants that are used in other related industrial segments (Farming, Poultry, Fishery, Forestry, Milk & Dairy, Eggs, etc.)

  • The quality of fresh water is so important which has impact on the quality and even existence of the  product:

    • If there is no water, there is no vegetable, fruit, grain, flower, trees and other commercial & industrial plant.​

    • If the water quality is not pure, the products are not grown well and polluted.

  • For decades, water was seen as a free commodity for Agriculture & Greenhouses. It was very cheap and accessible from the nearest river, lake, well, etc. Besides, it was near to pure since the number of people are not high enough to pollute the water at these sources. However, water is not cheap and clean anymore today. The attitudes are starting to change due to increasing drought conditions and recent water pollution crises.

  • For decades, water was seen as a free commodity for agriculture & greenhouses, but attitudes are starting to change due to increasing drought conditions and recent water pollution crises.

  • According to the United Nations, approximately one-fifth of the world’s population lives in water-scarce areas; another one-quarter face a water shortage. With numbers like these, the importance of water as a commodity becomes clear.

  • Water is a finite resource that needs to be sustained for future generations. As the population grows, resources [such as water] become more constrained. Water is a valuable resource, and its scarcity in some regions may cause communities to scrutinize how it is being used. 

  • As a result, Agriculture & Greenhouses are increasingly in the position of having to compete with local populations for access to fresh water.

  • However, Agriculture & Greenhouses are so dependent on water for their irrigation processes  that they cannot effectively reduce their consumption. This is more challenging in some areas where water shortages are experienced, the costs could skyrocket, creating a financial risk. Moreover, inefficient water use has the potential to increase the sustainability risks for production of grains, food & vegetables for farms & greenhouses companies

  • More and more farmers experience water crisis who have to reduce production and brings agricultural damage to the region.

  • Increasing relentless water shortage  is effecting major crops and the targets related to the agricultural land, destructing the revenues of farming communities and reflecting on problem of food security in most of the water-stressed regions in the world.

​Why AWGs?

  • AWGs are perfect & cost-efficent solutions for the farmers & owners of greenhouses in which fresh & pure water is used. The contribution and added value of the AWGs are more significant for farmers in the water stressed regions or water scarcity areas.

  • The water generators are commercial scale water generators that produce water from  the air humidity into water with electricity. 

  • Generation of pure water by AWGs is achieved by utilizing the airwater that could be used for operations, staff or auxiliary facilities.

  • Generated water reduce or avoid pumping of groundwater and water from lakes, rivers, sterams, etc. which could be polluted and generate a potential danger for the sustainability of farms.

  • Multi-stage filtering process guarentee 100% pure water that contains no harmful biological-chemical  pollutants.

AWGs for Agriculture & Greenhouses

What happens if you have an Atmospheric Water Generator (AWGs) and generate %100 healthy and pure water for Farms & Greenhouses?

  • You will achieve pure water which could be used for Agriculture & Greenhouses.

  • Use of generated waterwill allow you to use massive water sustainably at very low costs  at the farms & greenhouses for irrigation.

  • Use of generated water reduces dependence on scarce groundwater and other water resources; and your water footprint which means:

    • No more water shortage, cuts & droughts

    • No more need for water supply from the network

    • No more watercuts by the municipality

    • No more water bills

    • No more need for water trucks which is expensive, need to manage logistics and lack of supply reliability

    • No more to treat underground water and water from other resources, such as rivers, lakes, sea, etc. which has bad taste, potential to be contaminated and costly to treat to drink or use in the processes

    • You will know exactly the volume of water that will be generated by AWGs since the system is based on your requirements in terms of water consumption and the geographical data of the location where you are!

  • You can generate water wherever you need which could have challenging climates with temperatures higher than 50 Degrees Celcius (122 Fahrenheit Celcius) and humidity lower than 20% if you select a portable residential & commercial solution

  • You may produce massive water sustainably at very low costs and also save from the water treatment OPEX & CAPEX costs.

  • Unlike water treatment systems, it produces no waste to environment and no negative impact to the environment.

  • You wiill preserve the natural resources on earth.

  • You do not damage the local aquatic ecosystems thorugh ecessive withdrawals or thermal pollution.

  • You may produce massive water sustainably at very low costs so the return of investment is shorter than expected.

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