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AWGs for Oil & Gas Applications
The oil & gas industry relies heavily on fresh water throughout its operations in the production of oil and gas.
Water is used in drilling wells, refining and processing oil and gas, and even producing electricity for some operations in traditional oil & gas operations.
The fresh water is in high demand in the oil & gas industry in the upstream, midstream and downstream process such as:
Conventional​ O & G Production (Pressure Maintenance & Water Flood, Drilling Fluids, Construnction, Cooling Power Generation)
Oil Sands (Processing and transport of oil sands, underground steam injection)
Shale Gas and Tight Oil (Hydraulic Fracturing=drill and hydraulically fracture (“frack”) wells)
Cooling of LNG Compressors
Steam Production
Process Water
Water is used to during drilling to lubricate and cool the drill and remove drilling mud and rock debris. For hydraulic fracturing operations, water is mixed with chemicals that improve its ability to create fractures in the rock, and with sand to hold the fractures open and allow oil or gas to flow into the well.
Water used is often locally sourced from groundwater, rivers, or lakes (both natural and artificial) if there is sufficient water in the region. However, if the region is a water stressed region, water is often transported by trucks, which bring water to the oil or gas well for drilling and hydraulic fracturing. In areas with many established wells, pipelines may be installed to transport water, improving efficiency and safety, and decreasing truck traffic.
Why Fresh Water is a Challenge for Oil & Gas Applications?
Water scarcity is an increasingly critical issue in many parts of the world. As cities and economies grow and as the climate changes, water resources come under greater pressure, placing the people and industries that depend on them at risk.
Water risks pose a threat to many businesses, but the oil and gas sector is particularly exposed because of its requirements for vast amounts of water across the value chain and the geographical overlap between many of its operations and the places where water is most scarce.
Some of the most water-stressed regions in the world are also the locations of intense oil and gas activity. Given that water is critical for oil and gas production, energy companies need to become more efficient in the ways they use water, from upstream exploration through refining.
Transportation of fresh water to the oil & gas facilities in water-stressed regions, either by trucks and pipelines increase the cost of operations.
The fresh water from natural resources could include bacterias, chemicals, biological pollutants, organic matters and other substances that need to be treated which also increase the cost of operations.
The fresh water from the natural resources could not be sustainable at all times due to the environmental and climate challenges, such as shortages, droughts, floods, etc.
The fresh water could be required by other residential, commercial & industrial purposes in that region which is a treat for the sustainability of the oil and gas operations.
Why AWGs?
Water risks carry the potential to interrupt production, increase operating expenses, and damage reputations and relationships with regulators and local populations. For this reason, leading oil and gas companies continuously assess their exposure to water risks, developing a deep understanding of their water needs across the value chain and within local contexts.
In order to make the best use of water, oil and gas companies need innovative solutions.
AWGs are perfect solutions for oil & gas applications since AWGs improve reliability and life cycle costs to ensure owners and operators that use AWGs have a competitive edge and a reputable source of clean water. By tapping the technical capabilities of AWGs, oil and gas companies can ensure the sustainability of their own water-reliant processes and enter a growing field where their existing footprint gives them a competitive edge.
Wherever freshwater is in short supply, AWGs make it easier for the oil and gas industry to generate their own fresh water.
The water generators are industrial scale water generators that generate pure water by utilizing the available waste thermal energy and humidity in air that could be used for the consumptions in operations, by the staff or auxiliary facilities.
AWGs for Oil & Gas I Offshore I Mining
What happens if you have an Atmospheric Water Generator (AWGs) and generate %100 healthy and pure water at the Oil & Gas Applications?
You will achieve pure water which could be used in the processes of Oil & Gas Applications.
Use of waste heat and humidity in the air for water generation will allow you to use massive water sustainably at very low costs in the processes of oil & gas applications.
Generation of pure water by AWGs reduce dependence on scarce groundwater and other water resources; and your water footprint which means:
No more water shortage, cuts & droughts
No more need for water supply from the network
No more watercuts by the municipality
No more water bills
No more need for water trucks which is expensive, need to manage logistics and lack of supply reliability
No more need for bottled drinking water which is expensive, and generates PET waste for the staff at site
No more to treat underground water and water from other resources, such as rivers, lakes, sea, etc. which has bad taste, potential to be contaminated and costly to treat to drink or use in the processes
You will know exactly the volume of water that will be generated by AWGs since the system is based on your requirements in terms of water consumption and the geographical data of the location where you are!
You can generate water wherever you need which could have challenging climates with temperatures higher than 50 Degrees Celcius (122 Fahrenheit Celcius) and humidity lower than 20% if you select a portable residential & commercial solution
You may produce massive water sustainably at very low costsand also save from the water treatment OPEX & CAPEX costs.
Unlike water treatment systems, it produces no waste to environment and no negative impact to the environment.
You wiill preserve the natural resources on earth.
You do not damage the local aquatic ecosystems thorugh ecessive withdrawals or thermal pollution.
You may produce massive water sustainably at very low costs so the return of investment is shorter than expected.

AWGs for Offshore Platforms
It is a perfect solution for Offshore Platforms which need process water for oil & gas applications and drinking water for cooking, drinking and bathing.
Generated water by AWGs will allow the platform owners or operators to save cost of operations since the transportation & supply of water from the mainland to the offshore platforms are not needed anymore.
The water generators are commercial & industrial scale water generators that generate pure water by utilizing the available waste thermal energy or airborne humidity in the air into water with electricity that could be used for the consumptions in operations, by the staff or auxiliary facilities.
Powering the AWG with the existing power plant, diesel or gas power generators, PV Solar and Wind Power Packs is possible.
Use of generated water by AWG reduces dependence on scarce groundwater or other resources and the necessary water treatment & storage equipment at site.
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